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Each summer Siena-AMC students embark from Siena's suburban Loudonville, New York campus on an experience that has profound effects on their persona and their view of the world around them.
Required to perform two summers of volunteer service in an area of the world where there is need, students gain experience that will foster 'remedial impulse', the tendency to see a need and to act on it.
Since the inception of the Siena-AMC program, more than 200 Siena students have undertaken the summer of service in many countries. The stars on the map below indicate countries in which Siena-AMC students have done their summer of service.
Not all students go abroad. Many work with Native Americans in New Mexico, with the poor of Appalach, and in the inner cities of Chicago, New York and Philadelphia. Volunteer activities are most commonly undertaken in orphanages/homes, assisting in medical clinics and in community outreach and youth programs.