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Students representing every department in the School of Business are invited to submit papers for consideration in the following tracks: Accounting, Economics, Entrepreneurship, Finance, Management, and Marketing.

A review panel selects the best papers submitted for presentation. Distinguished paper awards and best presentation awards are presented at the conclusion of the conference.

The conference also includes a keynote address by business leaders; past speakers have included

  • Mary Liz Finn, Chief Human Resources Officer, Nielsen
  • Kate Gutman, Senior Vice President, Worldwide Sales and Solutions, UPS
  • Dr. William Danko, co-author of The Millionaire Next Door and associate professor of marketing at University of Albany
  • Mark Cattini, CEO MapInfo
  • Jay Moore, Manager Global Commercial Training, General Electric.
  • Tricia Carney, Director of Tax, Louis Vuitton Moët Hennessy
  • Talaya (Wilkins) Gaines, Vice President, Content Strategy & Original Programming at Madison Square Garden Entertainment Corp.

In summary, the conference provides an invaluable opportunity for faculty and students to build mentoring scholarly relationships outside the classrooms which may lead to a lifelong learning relationship between them.

2023 Conference

2020 Conference

The Winnowski Conference was cancelled due to Covid restrictions.

2015 Conference

2014 Conference

2013 Conference

2012 Conference

2011 Conference

2010 Conference

2009 Conference

2008 Conference

2007 Conference

2006 Conference