Academics, Computer Science, School of Science

The Job He Always Wanted

Rusty Irving '85 retired from his chief engineer position at GE to make good on his promise to Jim Matthews, M.S., professor of mathematics and computer science.

An Emotional, Inspiring Goodbye

Peyton Morse '21 died on March 12, nine days after suffering a medical emergency during training at the New York State Academy of Fire Science.

A Doctor to the Poorest in the World

Paul Farmer, M.D., Ph.D. -- physician, Harvard Medical School professor and medical anthropologist -- believes that health care is a universal human right. On March 16 he hosted a one-hour Zoom conversation exclusively for Siena students, as part of the Mission Office’s Women’s Leadership Series.

Michael Averill '22 Named Newman Civic Fellow

Michael Averill ’22 has been named a Newman Civic Fellow for the coming academic year by Campus Compact, a Boston-based non-profit organization working to advance the public purposes of higher education.

“Tell Us You Go To Siena Without Telling Us You Go To Siena…”

You’ve probably seen the viral tik toks “Tell me you ____ without telling me you ____”—and if you haven’t, then Siena’s got you covered!

We put our own spin on the popular trend and asked our Siena community to tell us that they go to Siena, without outright telling us they go to Siena.
Academics, School of Business

The Intern Journal: Gynesonics

Faragon is working on a team that pitches the virtues of the Sonata System to insurers, by dispelling the "experimental" notion and describing the benefits.
Modern Languages & Classics, School of Liberal Arts, School of Science, Chemistry & Biochemistry

'The Career Experts' Turn to Siena for Expert Advice

Two Siena faculty members were recently featured by the career search site Zippia to discuss job prospects for graduates in their fields.