Where Wishes Come True

Jacob Lall loves anything with wheels. In fact, the eight year old with cerebral palsy says his favorite song is "Wheels on the Bus." Make-A-Wish - and a community of Saints - sent him way more than just a bus.

Mother and Father: Two Ordinations

Life experience, religious training and early ministry assignments culminated in the ordination of two members of the Siena community in their respective faith traditions.
Academics, Computer Science

GOAL! for Siena robotics students

A soccer-playing robot named after a star Brazilian striker won the student vote at this semester’s RoboShow.
Internships, Academics

The Intern Journal: WVCR

David Smith '22 idolized Tom Brady growing up. He would hang on every New England Patriots' play on Sunday, then dissect the big moments with his friends the next day. It used to be just for fun; now it's credit-bearing career prep.
Finance, School of Business, Academics

Taking Stock of a Record Year

In 2006, 20 Siena students were given $100,000 and told to invest it wisely. They have...

A Movie and a Tour

Students applying to college really need to see a campus in person to decide if they should enroll. Pandemic restrictions have thrown a monkey wrench into the admissions process, but that didn’t stop Siena’s enrollment management team from coming up with an awesome idea to really pique the interest of prospective freshmen.