Saints Rise to the Vaccination Challenge

After more than a year of life on hold – masks, social distancing, cancelled activities and upended routines – vaccines to protect against the coronavirus are now available to all adults in New York.


According to the CDC, three out of four Americans between the ages of 18 and 24 report poor mental health tied to the pandemic. But even pre-Covid, colleges were catching on more than ever that your mental health is something we need to not only address, but nurture and check in on.
School of Business, Finance, Economics, Marketing

Business Faculty Excellence Awards

Congratulations to our three faculty members for their commitment to excellence!

Free Guide: Why It's Smart to Enter College As Undecided

Is indecision over your intended major keeping you from finalizing your college applications? We hear that a lot. We also know that many students consider putting off attending a four-year college until they figure out what it is they want to study. To you and all of them, we say: read our guide!
School of Science, Chemistry & Biochemistry, Academics

Siena's Biggest Beetles Fans

Stephen Deyrup, Ph.D., and his two student researchers are big Beetles fans.
School of Science, Academics

The Fast Track to Engineering

Siena has formalized its agreement with the Capital Region Campus of Clarkson University for the 4/1 cooperative program in engineering, one of the most searched for majors by prospective students.
Center for Undergraduate Research and Creative Activity, Research/Grant Activity

A Different SPIn on Summer

Would you like to spend your summer helping Black communities in Albany build wealth and equity? How about giving young students study opportunities in STEM? Or maybe exploring ways to support the brewing industry in the Capital Region?
Center for International Programs, Biology, School of Science

Saints Around the World: Lyon, France

Typically, a semester in France would be an opportunity to explore Europe. However, because of the pandemic, country hopping is discouraged. Instead Natalie Vu '22 is city hopping through the French countryside.