communications, School of Liberal Arts

The Intern Journal: NESN

Kari Nieber '23 and her family are diehard fans of the Boston Red Sox. For years, she's regularly tuned into NESN (New England Sports Network) for the television broadcast of the games. Watching a game, in fact, gave her an idea.
Center for International Programs

Saints Around the World: Cork, Ireland

Newgrande is a 5,200-year-old tomb in Ireland's Ancient East, a region of the country rich with monuments older than the pyramids. Jenna Kosnick '24 was led deep inside the inner chamber of the tomb, which is older than Stonehenge, and then someone turned out the lights.

Trauma Informed Care, Through a Lens of Social Justice

The Council of Administrators hosted its annual diversity education workshop for staff and administrators on August 31. Laura Quiros, Ph.D., LMSW, – an education, author, and trainer – facilitated the workshop for nearly 100 community members.

The Start of Something New

The Mission Office unveiled a pair of new traditions over Orientation weekend. First-year Saints were officially welcomed into their new home and their new contrada.

Meet the New Team of Counselors

The College's Counseling Center welcomed four new staff members this summer to meet the mental and emotional health needs of our Saints with one-on-one counseling as well as an array of creative and diverse programming.
Baldwin Nursing Program, School of Science, Career and Internship Center

In the News: Summer 2022

A monthly media roundup for the Siena community.

Five Myths About Student Debt After College

The number one concern prospective students and their families have regarding higher education is this: Can I afford college?

Clearly, student debt is a hot topic these days. And although there is so much to be excited about when it comes to college — and so many benefits to choosing a private school — it's completely natural to be nervous about cost.

Ready for some good news?