Physics & Astronomy, School of Science

$300K Grant will Benefit First Year Physics

To help physics students develop spatial reasoning skills, Michele McColgan, Ph.D., has been awarded a $299,715 grant from the National Science Foundation.
Physics & Astronomy, School of Science

Siena Represented and Presented at NSBP

Five Siena students and their professor recently hit the road for the annual conference of the National Society of Black Physicists (NSBP) and got a great feel for life in academia.

English majors are in demand

With an increasing emphasis on STEM and the role technology plays in our lives, you may be wondering: Is english a good major? Maybe you love literature or writing comes naturally, but we hear from many students—and their parents—who worry about job prospects with an English degree. Ready for the great news?

Move That Bus!

Team Siena changed its colors from green and gold to pink for one afternoon, all for a good cause: the annual Pink Bus Pull to raise awareness and funds to fight breast cancer.
Center for International Programs

Saints Around the World: Berlin, Germany

Klaudia Poplawski '23 knew exactly how she wanted to spend her European semester, but when best laid plans were interrupted by global warming, she learned the real adventure lies in the unpredictability of travel.
Modern Languages & Classics, School of Liberal Arts

Día de los Muertos

Don’t touch the candy and soda! It’s not for you.
Marketing, Internships, Career and Internship Center

The Intern Journal: Sayville Chocolatier

If Haley Giuliano '21, G'23 had to choose a favorite, which is not easy to do, she'd go with the dark chocolate sea salt caramels. Of course, she never tires of sampling. Haley is in charge of social media for Sayville Chocolatier, not product quality, but it nevers hurts to be well-rounded in your internship experience!

In His Footsteps

The ribbon was ceremoniously cut for the recently renovated Patricia Gioia Hall on the day of Siena's 85th birthday celebration. The final piece, though, was added on October 28, when St. Francis of Assisi was installed in front of the Welcome Center, leading all visitors in the Franciscan tradition.