Campus Events

Canning Cancer

The Siena College community is coming together to raise money for the organization Capital Region Action Against Breast Cancer, or CRAAB!, in a rather unique way. As people walk through campus, they will now notice large, pink “Recycle for the Cure Collection Cans." Tracy Boucher, one of the College’s most beloved Sodexo employees, came up with the idea of placing the large, pink recycling bins in the College's buildings in hopes of collecting and donating the money from the return of bottles and cans to CRAAB!
Campus Events

Mr. Siena 2012

Hundreds of people packed into the Maloney Great Room to see the highly anticipated "Mr. Siena" show. The annual mock beauty pageant starring select Siena students raises money for Habitat for Humanity, an international organization that works towards providing affordable housing to those who need it.
Academics, Campus Events

Understanding Nobel Prize Contributions

In celebration of the recent 2011 Nobel Prize recipients, the economics department hosted the 2011 Nobel Prize Lecture which brought inviting faculty members together to discuss the Nobel Laureates and their respective contributions.

Modern Languages Nationally Accredited

Siena College’s Spanish and French Education programs have been recognized by the National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE). The program is now accredited without condition for at least the next five years.
Campus Events

Blood Drive Exceeds Goal

The Siena College Red Cross Club kicked-off the semester with its annual February blood drive.

History in the Making

For some senior history majors, finishing their yearlong capstone projects didn’t end once they turned in their papers. Students from Siena’s History Honor Society were asked to present their research at the Phi Alpha Theta Biennial Convention in Orlando, Florida. Representing the History Department were seniors Brian Dorrian ’12, Tara Keough ’12, George Tehan ’12 and Alyssa Washburn-Moriarty ’12.

Space Studies

Through the generous support from the National Science Foundation and the Siena College School of Science, several Siena physics majors were given the opportunity to travel outside of the classroom and expand their understanding of astronomy.
Academics, Campus Events

Making the Grade on Stage

Siena College theatre students are taking to the stage this semester as working actors at a local playhouse. Marah Chabot ’12 and Catherine Santino ’13 have supporting roles in the upcoming production of The Pirates of Penzance at the Cohoes Music Hall. Each student will receive academic credit for the internship, which is a first-of-its-kind for the College's theatre program.

Sharing HEOP Success

A group of Siena alumni returned to campus for the Arthur O. Eve Higher Education Opportunity Program (HEOP) Alumni Speaker Panel. The panel is part of a series that allows alumni to share their experiences with current HEOP students to give them inspiration for the future.