Academics, Campus Events, Development, Student Life

Celebrating Scholarships

Grateful students and their proud scholarship donors gathered in the Marcelle Athletic Complex during Siena’s 23rd annual Scholarship Appreciation Dinner. It’s an annual tradition that began as a small gathering almost a quarter-century ago. The dinner has blossomed to become a celebration of Siena’s 285 endowed scholarships.
Academics, Campus Events, Service/Advocacy

Pulitzer Prize Author Delivers 27th Annual MLK Lecture Address

Author and journalist Douglas Blackmon delivered Siena’s 27th annual Martin Luther King Jr. and Coretta Scott King Lecture on Race and Nonviolent Social Change to a packed house on April 3 in the Alumni Recreation Center on campus.
Academics, Campus Events

Award-Winning Journalist Gives Inside Look to Middle East

The situation in the Middle East is a topic that is always in the news, but last week Siena students got an insider’s perspective when author and journalist Stephen Kinzer delivered an address titled “The Dulles Brothers: Implications for Foreign Policy in Iran and Beyond.”
Campus Events, Service/Advocacy, Student Life

Relay for Life Sparks Cancer Awareness

More than 300 Siena students spent last Friday night walking for cancer awareness in the Marcelle Athletic Complex on campus. Together they raised $20,000 at Siena’s 9th annual Relay for Life, which is a 12-hour fundraising event.
Service/Advocacy, Student Life

Free Store Opens Doors and Minds

While she was studying abroad in Uganda, Alana Strassfield ’14 made an interesting observation. She noticed that people living in the African nation were wearing t-shirts that came from places that they had never visited and most likely would never see. This realization prompted Strassfield to take action to raise awareness of conscious consumerism when she returned to Siena.
Academics, Campus Events, Siena in the News, Student Life

Building A Career The Home Depot Way

The Home Depot CEO Frank Blake visited campus to share how his company is thriving despite a housing market crash a few years ago. Home Depot, the 5th largest company in the United States, has generated more than $79 billion in sales since its founding in 1978, including $5 billion in 2013.
Academics, Siena in the News, Student Life

Siena Sophomore Interns at White House

Kaitlyn Krolik ’16 applied and landed a spot in the White House Internship Program. The Siena College sophomore has spent the semester working in the Office of Presidential Correspondence where she’s learning about life in the fast-paced world of government and politics.
Academics, Campus Events

Judith Butler: Philosophy Rock Star

Siena students have been able to witness philosophy come to life through a course known as the Symposium on Living Philosophers. During this course, a small group of Siena College students work with professors and an external scholar to study the work of a philosopher who they are then able to meet and interact with.
Campus Events, Student Life

Copenhagen Connects History, Science and Theater

Siena College’s Creative Arts Department and student theatre program Stage III recently wrapped this semester’s main stage production, “Copenhagen.” The play by Michael Frayn explores what could have happened when German physicist Werner Heisenberg made an impromptu visit to Nobel Prize winning physicist Neils Bohr in Copenhagen, Denmark in 1941.
Academics, Alumni, Siena in the News, Success Story

Richardson Named Woman of Excellence

The Albany-Colonie Regional Chamber of Commerce will honor Linda Richardson, Ph.D., Siena College vice president for academic affairs at the 23rd annual Women of Excellence luncheon on Friday, May 30.