Academics, Alumni, Service/Advocacy, Success Story

Sugam Langer ’07 Serves the Siena Way

It’s been a busy fall for Sugam Langer ’07. The championship tennis player turned lawyer spoke at the opening night gala at the U.S. Open and ran in the New York City Marathon to raise money for 15 Love, the Capital Region tennis organization that taught her the game.

Don’t miss our Financial Aid live chat

If you’re interested in Siena College but are concerned about cost, our financial aid staff wants you to know this: we’re committed to making Siena affordable and are here to help you and your family through the financial aid process. We invite you to sign up for a live video chat about making college affordable and financial aid on December 10. 

Faculty roundup: What I love about Siena

They’re the ones who will mentor you, cheer you on, grade your papers and impart invaluable life lessons. They’ve got a unique view of what goes on around campus, and they know—perhaps better than anyone—what types of students really flourish at Siena College. Our faculty. Get to know another side of Siena by reading through the quotes below from various faculty members noting what they love most about our school.

One of the best small U.S. cities for college students? Albany!

The American Institute for Economic Research (AIER) compiled and compared data on student life, culture, economic health and other factors across the country and came up with a list of the top 20 small metros for college students in the U.S. Number 11 on that list: (ding ding ding) Albany-Schenectady-Troy, NY. (We all play together.)

Alumni roundup: “My favorite memory of Siena”

Get to know more about Siena College through the eyes of our alums. We asked a few recent grads to tell us about their favorite memory of Siena and their time here, and here’s what they shared with us.

Quick tips for a great college interview

Our roundup of tips from a range of experts last month on staying calm during the college application process was such a hit, we thought we’d do another. This time, we asked people from all kinds of paths—a TEDx speaker, an etiquette consultant, a career adviser and others—to give us their best tips for high school students prepping for the all-mighty college interview. Is yours looming on the horizon? Read what they said:
Academics, Service/Advocacy, Student Life

Siena Biology Major Feels Called to Serve in Rural India

After a service trip to the Dominican Republic back in January, biology major Roshan Nair ’16 was inspired to serve people in rural India last summer and now service has become part of her life.