Academics, Alumni, Campus Events, Success Story

From Albany to the Big Apple: Alum Tom Mazzarelli Returns to Siena

Three-time Emmy winner, co-executive producer of NBC News’ “Today” show, and 1993 Siena graduate Tom Mazzarelli came back to his collegiate roots on Monday, November 2 to participate in the School of Liberal Arts Lecture Program with his presentation entitled “A Career in Television With a Liberal Arts Degree.”

Ask Admissions Anything: Live Chat Recap

If you missed our live chat featuring Colin, Dale and Katie from Admissions, or just want a refresher on everything they covered, you're in luck. Here, you can watch the recorded chat and get our answers to your most frequently asked admissions questions (plus one or two just for fun).

Q&A with Katie Szalda, Director of Admissions

One of the things students love about the admissions committee at Siena College is that we're really passionate about our school, and share the same Saint spirit as our students. Of course, it doesn't hurt that some of us were Siena students. Enter Katie Szalda, our new director of admissions and graduate of the Class of 2001.
Academics, Alumni, Research/Grant Activity, Success Story, Stack Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship

Siena’s Own Ace in the Stack Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship

Simon Bruno ‘18, economics major and avid enthusiast of playing cards, is the founder and president of Glassback Playing Cards, a business that produces stained glass theme-designed decks of cards. Bruno was able to achieve his childhood dream of mass-producing playing cards with the help of Siena’s Creative Arts Department, Marketing Department, and The David ’73 and Christine Spicer ’75 Stack Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship.
Alumni, Student Life

Siena Chamber Singers Perform at NYACDA Conference

Twelve Siena chamber singers, three alumni and Choral Director Timothy J. Reno, D.M.A, participated in the 2015 New York State American Choral Directors Association Fall Conference at the Eastman School of Music. From October 23rd through October 25th the chamber singers attended lectures, participated in workshops and had the chance to perform at many unique venues.
Academics, Campus Events

#SienaTakesTwitter: Tweeting with Twitter Marketing Director Christine Cuoco

On Friday, October 23, Christine Cuoco, director of global business marketing for Twitter, came to campus and conducted a lunchtime lecture in a very unique and interactive way. Cuoco answered student and faculty questions in tweet form that contained the hashtags, #SienaTakesTwitter and #SienaTweets, as well as questions from the lecture’s audience in The Norm.

Happy Halloween from Siena College

There's nothing quite like fall in the Northeast. Whether Halloween is your thing or not, it's hard not to get wrapped up in everything there is to do this time of year in the Capital Region.
Academics, Alumni, Campus Events, Success Story, American Studies, School of Business Elizabeth Burke '17

David Verbraska ‘89: Broadway to Business

On October 26th, David Verbraska ‘89, vice president of Worldwide Public Affairs and Policy at Pfizer Inc., returned to campus to take part in the School of Business Lecture Series. He told his story and relayed advice to Siena students through the lens of the popular Broadway musical, “How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying,”
Academics, Campus Events

Talking Characterization in Fiction with Acclaimed Author Christine Sneed

Through the English Department’s Annual Greyfriar Living Literature Series, Siena students and faculty alike had the chance to meet and speak to Christine Sneed regarding her published works and her process of writing fiction, on Monday, October 19 and Tuesday, October 20.