One question that our admissions team hears from time to time, from both students and their parents, is whether or not they should start off at community college before transferring to Siena.
It’s a valid question—especially right now, as families across the country are grappling with major decisions in light of the Coronavirus.
There’s an old theater adage that despite any and all difficulties, “the show must go on.” That phrase has taken on a new twist during this pandemic – the show must go online.
Gen. H.R. McMaster is used to dealing with extremely challenging situations, so delivering a lecture to Siena students remotely from his book-lined office at Stanford University was a welcome task to tackle.
If you’ve officially joined the Class of 2024 (hopefully Siena’s!)—or even if you’re a high school junior who’s interested in learning more about the college process in general—you may be wondering…