
Five Reasons to Choose Siena By...An Exploring Business Student

Interested in business, but not quite ready to declare a major? No rush! At Siena, you can enter as undecided in our AACSB-accredited School of Business—actually, you'd officially be called an Exploring Business student—and have plenty of time to discover which facet of business you belong in. That's what freshman Emma McDonald chose to do.

Ten Scholarships You Can Still Apply For

Whether you represent a particular geographic region, are involved in an inspiring cause or tower over your friends in height, we've compiled a list of ten scholarships you may have never heard of, but are totally eligible for. And if you start now, you'll still have plenty of time to apply before the deadlines.

Download Our College Fair Checklist

College fairs are the only place where you can hold casual conversations with admissions reps from all over the country, all in one day. When it comes to collecting as much information as possible and impressing the reps, you'll want to be prepared. If you're asking yourself, "Where do I begin?" The answer is right here, with our complimentary checklist. 
Campus Events, Service/Advocacy

Siena Joins the Movement to End Relationship Violence with Annual “One Billion Rising” Event

Members of the Siena College community filled the Maloney Great Room in the Sarazen Student Union with a lot of energy, joy and passion as they danced together in solidarity to support an initiative to end relationship violence. This movement, One Billion Rising, is led by women’s rights activists from around the world to globally protest violence against women and promote gender equality and justice.

Five Reasons to Choose Siena By...a Political Science Major

Whether you're fascinated by American politics and public law or just want to see Siena from a new perspective, one of our very own political science majors can help. Even though her grandfather and aunt were both Siena students, Kaitlyn Krolik says she would've ended up here no matter what. Here are just five reasons why.
Campus Events

Annual “Ours to Do” Lecture Spotlights Works of Mercy

On February 8, 2016 Kerry Weber presented at Siena College as part of the annual St. Clare Leadership Series: Ours to Do Women Leading the Way Lecture. Weber is a Mercy Associate, Managing Editor of America magazine and a 2015 Christopher Award winner.