Every Student Has a Story: Matt Campo ’24

When Matt Campo '24 was 11 years old, his aunt and uncle hired a balloon artist to make blow-up animals at a birthday party for Matt's cousin. Matt's souvenir was twisted and folded into the shape of a pig. That balloon pig changed his life.

Launching Sport Management

Students who want to combine their love of sports with career plans to manage athletic organizations can sign up for a new track within the management major.

First-Year Saint to be Honored at the Smithsonian

Please excuse Daniel Rivera ’27 from class for a couple days this September: he has to be in Washington, D.C. to see one of his paintings honored at the Smithsonian Institution. Seriously.

Saints Around the World: Norway

Gabriela Jimenez '26 has a ranked bucket list of countries she'd like to visit. Norway checked in at #2, sandwiched between Scotland and Germany. This summer, she crossed it off the list.

Ensuring Summer Meals Hit the Spot

The United Way of the Greater Capital Region has been offering a summer meals program for 10 years now, with nearly two million meals being distributed in that decade. Economics major Thomas Ragone ’24 is working with a team to ensure that the food being distributed is actually being consumed and providing nourishment as intended, and that the overall operation is cost-effective.