History, School of Liberal Arts, Political Science, Physics & Astronomy, School of Science, Creative Arts, Economics, School of Business

In the News: February 2023

A monthly media roundup for the Siena community.

Full Financial Aid Package Versus Merit Only

The most important notes and emails you want to be on the lookout for are your financial aid award package and merit. You might be asking yourself, what is this difference and why do they matter?

The Intern Journal: Schalmont School District

Luke Keith '24 never truly got closure from high school. He was a senior at Schalmont H.S. in the spring of 2020 when COVID sent everyone, everywhere, home. Luke was the student council president and had spent months planning the senior prom and class picnic and so many other events that were abruptly canceled. His classmates won't get the chance to return to Schalmont and experience what they lost. Luke, though, is walking his high school halls twice a week.

Student Aid Advocacy Day

To encourage State legislators to increase funding for student aid, a trio of Siena students went downtown to the Capitol to advocate for programs that help students achieve their dream of a college education.

Saints Around the World: London, England

There is always the promise of new sights, new experiences, and new adventures when spending a semester living and studying abroad. On top of that, there's the promise of meeting new people – who quickly become old friends.

Help for Her Homeland

The massive earthquake that struck Türkiye on February 6 spurred a Siena student athlete to organize aid for her homeland.

A Valentine's Surprise

On Valentine's Day, a few dozen Saints were surprised with a special Valentine's treat from their families, thanks to an assist from Siena Fresh.
English, School of Liberal Arts

Learning from Online Gaming

Online games are just for fun, right? Or are there deeper lessons to be learned? David Seelow, Ph.D., adjunct lecturer in English, recently published Games as Transformative Experiences for Critical Thinking, Cultural Awareness, and Deep Learning: Strategies & Resources (CRC Press) which examines the learning values of a wide variety of online games for high school and college students across multiple disciplines.