Link to policies and procedures
Academic integrity lies at the very heart of any college. This is particularly true of Siena with its strong Franciscan tradition and its dedication to fostering sound moral growth.
Establishes the appropriate use of Siena College’s information technology resources in a responsible manner, in accordance with all applicable laws, policies, and regulations.
Affirmative Action and Equal Employment Opportunity
The procedure for appeal
To identify a timeline for processes completed by Information Technology Services (ITS) Systems Administrators
The Check Request form is used to process reimbursements to individuals for expenses incurred on behalf of the College and for services rendered by Independent Contractors.
To provide clear guidelines for publicizing the obituaries of College faculty, staff, administrators, students, alumni and donors.
Standards for living together
In 2022 this policy was replaced by the Acceptable Use Policy
Siena College to permits the rental of its facilities and services to non-college organizations engaged in appropriate activities, provided these activities do not interfere with the College’s educational mission or daily business practices.
the College expects all members of the College to carry out their responsibilities with the highest level of integrity and ethical behavior
Types of college credit cards and who can receive them
Describes classification “buckets” which define the level of control needed for each individual datum.
use this form to disclose intellectual property
This policy outlines procedures to follow and consequences of disorderly or disruptive classroom behavior.
Users of Siena’s electronic mail (email) services are expected to act in accordance with the College’s Computer Use Policy and with professional and personal courtesy and conduct.
Defines the use of electric vehicle charging stations on the Siena campus by faculty staff, students and those visiting the College.
Standards for removal or temporary inactivation of Faculty, Staff, Administrators, contractors, volunteers, etc. with Siena College network accounts
General Policies
Downloading or distributing copyrighted material without explicit permission from the copyright owner is against the law.
The means by which grades will be determined.
Form for development of Hybrid and Online courses
Form used to apply for a stipend
Establishes policies and guidelines for the development and offering of online and/or hybrid courses
Definitions of E-learning
Recommended Syllabus Elements
Copyright law and copyright infringements regarding the use and sharing of copyrighted works.
Siena College supports persons with disabilities and encourages their full participation in all academic programs, including internship programs.
Applies to all Siena College owned laptops or any device or storage medium that contains college data.
Students who are not returning to Siena College are required to complete a Leave of Absence and Withdrawal form.
Siena College is committed to promoting a learning and working environment where discrimination and harassment is not tolerated.
status as a residential or commuting student is determined at the time of admission
Establishes a standard for the creation of strong passwords, the protection of those passwords, and the frequency of changing these passwords.
MS Word Document to be used when creating new policies.
To inform users of the Siena College website of the information that may be collected and how it is managed and used by the College.
Assistance to faculty members in obtaining or retaining their qualification as a Scholarly Academic or a Scholarly Practitioner
This Policy creates an independent duty to report immediately suspected cases of child abuse.
It is the policy of Siena College to insure that all College resources are utilized in an efficient, appropriate manner by authorized individuals of the College.
Refunds schedule for any student who withdraws from the College, drops a class, or drops from full to part-time status
The College’s commitment to provide a reasonable accommodation of an individual’s sincerely held religious belief
requests for single rooms, reduced occupancy rooms, air conditioning units installed for the fall and springtime, and/or a meal plan modification.
A resource and reference guide to College operations, policies, guidelines, terms, conditions and regulations.
Procedures and policies that apply to students employed under the College’s “regular” payroll program.
Here's all the information you need to know about staying at Siena for the summer:
Paid Supplemental Leave Time (SLT) to assist eligible employees impacted by COVID-19
how online courses count in a faculty member’s teaching load.
(Student Workers, etc.)
Siena College will reimburse its faculty, staff and other authorized individuals for authorized College related travel and entertainment expenses.
The Office of Community Living does allow for students to apply to stay on campus over various breaks during the academic year.
Defines the standards for vendors accessing resources on Siena College’s network.
Siena College strongly encourages students to report domestic violence, dating violence, stalking, or sexual assault, discrimination and harassment to College officials
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