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The Office of Community Living provides living and learning opportunities for nearly 2,500 residential students.  We have a team of 8 professional staff members, 66 student Community Assistants, and over 50 student Office Assistants, all of whom are committed to ensuring that our mission and values guide all of our programs and processes.
The Office of Community Living advances the mission of Siena College by fostering a safe and healthy campus living environment where a culture of mutual respect and personal responsibility enhance intellectual growth and success.
Residence Directors have the unique opportunity to serve on departmental, divisional, and campus-wide committees that focus on a number of issues.  Through this committee work RDs are able to build connections to other Siena community members (faculty, staff, administrators, senior leadership), pursue areas of personal & professional interest, and build skills in other functional areas for their professional growth and development.  A few of the opportunities for committee involvement at Siena include:
  • Student Leadership & Involvement Awards (Divisional)
  • First Year Experience  (Departmental)
  • Sophomore Year Experience  (Departmental)
  • CA Training  (Departmental)
  • Housing Selection (Departmental)
  • Professional Staff Development (Departmental)
  • Transfer Student Outreach (Departmental)
  • Social Media Engagement (Departmental)
  • Many others based on personal & professional interests!
Organizational Chart: