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 If you have any questions about any of the resources provided, please email housing@siena.edu and our staff will be able to assist you in making a connection to the appropriate department or office.

Community Living (Housing) Information
  • Residence Hall Packing Checklist: Helpful information about what to bring (and not to bring!) as you start packing.
  • Important Housing Dates 2023-2024: A listing of all main College housing dates for 2023-2024, including break closing and opening dates.
  • Meal Plan Change Process: Instructions on how to change your meal plan if you want to make an adjustment.  Meal plans can be changed until 4:30 p.m. on Monday, September 18. 
  • Community Living Social Media:  Follow us for regular updates, contests, and information about programs and events! 


student Activities & Leadership Development INFORMATION
  • Orientation Schedule: The full new student orientation schedule will be shared here once finalized.
Siena Fresh (Dining Services) Information
Office of Accessibility Information
Office of Compliance Information
Information Technology Services INFORMATION
General office information
  • Office Phone Numbers: Contact Information for key campus offices and support services for new students.