
Leaving a Legacy

The party lasted just one night, but its proceeds will benefit Siena forever
Education, Psychology, School of Science

The Intern Journal: Francis L. Stevens Elementary School

Liam Evans '22 is grateful for courses like Abnormal Psychology, Social Psychology, and Counseling Theory, among others. The psychology major has taken the information and strategies he's learned in the classroom directly into a different, and in some ways, even more important classroom.
Center for International Programs, Biology

Saints Around the World: Siena, Italy

Fortunately, Kylie Hilborne '25 never had to explain herself to the Italian authorities. In fact, her trespassing turned out to be no more than a memorable story. It's the night her B&B stay in Pisa began as an unlawful B&E.

The Saint Baloo

Baloo is well on his way to Siena and social media fame. The College's all-new mascot is making friends nearly as fast as he's gaining followers.

Opening Arguments

The teams suited up to scrimmage in preparation for a big regional competition – but no helmets were required here. Sweat? Maybe just a little.
Chemistry & Biochemistry

Every Student Has a Story: Klaudia Poplawski '22

Klaudia Poplawski '22 is among the most prolific and in-demand artists on campus. She'd be happy to design your next wall covering, or logo, or album cover... once she's finished with her biochemistry homework.
Environmental Studies and Sciences, School of Science, Finance, LAUDATO SI

Billion Dollar Green Challenge

Jessica Dupont ’22 has been passionately interested in sustainability issues since she was in high school. Her efforts to raise awareness – and funds – to support sustainability efforts at Siena have culminated in the College signing on to the Billion Dollar Green Challenge.

Neighbor Helping Neighbor

Keeping schools open, and students and staff healthy, has been a tremendous challenge throughout the COVID pandemic. To that end, the North Colonie School District - which does not have the benefit of being a fully vaccinated community like Siena - has enlisted the help of Siena College students to conduct testing at their district’s offices, just a stone’s throw from campus.
Center for International Programs

Saints Around the World: London

Do you have a favorite bird? Layla Pagan '23 does. It's the chicken. So when she made her way to London in the fall, she was understandably excited to discover that the University of Roehampton has its own chicken coop.