The Adventures of the Bleacher Brothers Vol. 1

Later today, Br. Tito Serrano, O.F.M., associate campus minister, and Fr. Casey Cole, O.F.M., will catch a baseball game in Miami, and then on July 30, they'll be in Colorado for a Rockies game. During the two months in between, they'll attend a game at every single Major League Baseball park. The Bleacher Brothers extreme summer road trip isn't just about baseball. To borrow a phrase from another set of brothers in sunglasses, "We're on a mission from God."
Baldwin Nursing Program, School of Science, health studies

Saints Around the World: Negril, Jamaica

Siena's nursing students spend one week immersed in a rural Jamaican community. Specifically, the students are working with Franciscan friars to provide health promotion education in the area and develop a new medical clinic.

Casting the College in a New Light

Siena has selected its first energy-saving – and cost-saving – project that will be paid for by proceeds from the College’s new Green Revolving Fund (GRF). A retrofit using energy-efficient light-emitting diode (LED) fixtures in 30 outside campus locations will begin later this summer.
Political Science, Pre-Law, School of Liberal Arts

Dr. Cutler's New Book Analyzes a "Non-Doctrine"

A faculty-student collaboration researching the role of Congress in national security has resulted in a new book. Leonard Cutler, Ph.D., professor of political science, recently published President Trump’s National Security Strategy Non-Doctrine: An Assessment. He was assisted in his research by Nicholas Discala ’22, who worked as a CURCA scholar with Cutler for several years.
English, School of Liberal Arts

A Fresh Look at an Overlooked Genre

Shannon Draucker, Ph.D. has just received a highly competitive National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) grant to revise her research on the subject. Draucker, assistant professor of English, was awarded $6,000 from the NEH and will work this summer to revise and reframe her doctoral dissertation into a book about how 19th century understandings of musical science shaped representations of gender and sexuality in Victorian British literature.

Siena College Unity Day

Amir Taylor ’22 emceed the April 28 Unity Day event at Nigro Plaza that featured contributions from students to observe Juneteenth and demonstrate Siena’s commitment to strengthening the bonds of racial justice.
School of Business, Marketing

The Intern Journal: ValleyCats

Ryan Piser '22 assumed he had done something wrong when his professor, Soyoung Joo, Ph.D., assistant professor of marketing, uttered the dreaded, "See me after class." Turns out, he had done nothing wrong at all. He was just unusually specific.
Center for International Programs, Management, School of Business

Saints Around the World: London, England

Alexander spent the spring semester studying in London. The management major took 15 credits while juggling a 20-hour per week internship, and he always managed to get where he needed to be on time using the Tube.