
Apply to college early: here’s why

As the summer winds down and a busy new school year begins, you might be inclined to push off college applications until they’re actually due. After all, application deadlines serve a purpose, right?

Mental Health & Wellness at Siena College: Q&A 2 of 2

ICYMI: Our previous blog post was an interview with Siena’s Director of Health Promotion Katie Kaufman Burns, all about our Office of Health Promotion and the efforts they’re putting forth to increase and evolve our resources for Gen Z. You’ve heard from Kate. Now hear from Dr. Nate.

Nate T. Pruitt, Ph.D., is the director of the Counseling Center here and a licensed psychologist. He’s taught several undergrad and graduate courses and has done extensive research on topics like building emotional resilience in college students and the opportunities and challenges of working at a faith-based school.

Mental Health & Wellness at Siena College: Q&A 1 of 2

It’s nearly impossible to log onto Twitter or scan the news without seeing the words mental health, anxiety, wellness, meditation or depression—and it’s often coming from the mouths (or fingertips) of smart, curious and concerned Gen Zers.

More than ever, you want college to be about personal growth as much as it is academic growth. We hear you loud and clear, and that’s why Siena has added new programs and resources to address these issues—and will continue to innovate ways we can help our students.

“I wouldn’t be where I am today if it weren’t for the Stack Center”: Q&A With Siena Alumnus Kevin Danaher

If you’re at all intrigued by the entrepreneurship program at Siena College and are eager to learn more, stay right here. We caught up with Siena graduate Kevin Danaher, who majored in computer science and minored in entrepreneurship, to talk about the entrepreneurship program, dancing, Siena and more.

During his time here, he actually created a business directly tied to one of his passions—and is still working on mobile apps to this day. Check it out.

“I started a business my freshman year”: Q&A with Siena alumnus Nicolas Earl

You dream up the idea. You call the shots. You reap the benefits. If you love the thought of running or creating your own business one day, you’re in good company. The hustle to become a successful entrepreneur is real and widespread (ever seen Shark Tank?!), but there’s always room for more. In fact, at Siena College, entrepreneurship is one of our most popular programs, and for good reason.

Take it from Nick Earl, who graduated from Siena in May 2018 with a major in marketing and a minor in innovation and entrepreneurship. Here’s what he said about his experience in Siena’s entrepreneurship program and more.


Among the many reasons why I feel honored to be a part of the Siena College community is the opportunity to participate in time-honored campus traditions with our incredible students. Every school has its traditions. Some involve just the students, some involve just the faculty. What I love about Siena is that many of ours involve both.

Why Not To Follow Your Parents to Siena

We love when families carry on the Siena tradition. But if you’re in the boat of not really wanting to be a legacy student, well, what can we say, we totally get it.

Get to Know The Capital Region With One Of These Local Tours

When you head off to college, you’ll obviously be spending most of your time on campus. But if you’re looking at schools that are situated somewhere that makes venturing off campus easy and exciting, it’s a smart idea to devote at least a few hours to exploring the neighboring towns.

19 reasons to attend Siena’s 2019 Accepted Students Day

If you received an acceptance packet from Siena, don’t miss Accepted Students Day on either Sunday, February 17 or Monday, February 18 (or you can choose stay overnight). Here are 19 reasons to reserve your spot.

Three things to look for on campus revisits

As we said in our first campus visit post, there are several ways to make the most of college tours when you first arrive. Been there, done that? At Siena, we strongly believe in revisits. If you’re serious about a college, it pays to return to campus and look for anything you weren’t able to see last time, and ask follow-up questions. You probably have your own checklist of what to see and inquire about, but here are three more not-so-obvious things you may want to check out on your next trip: