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Past Fall Colloquia

The Kieval Institute sponsors annual colloquia, open to all who are interested in a frank and stimulating discussion of academic issues pertinent to Jewish-Christian studies.  The colloquia attract participants from throughout the region, with interested clergy and laity from New York City, New Jersey, Connecticut and Massachusetts joining residents of the Capital District, as well as Siena faculty and students, in these discussions. From the beginning, these discussions have been both ecumenical and interfaith--not only have the colloquia featured the finest Jewish and Christian scholars, but the audience participants as well have come from the entire range of the community.




Thirty-first annual colloquium

October 30-31, 2016

Writing the Sacred: Scribes in Christianity and Judaism

Kim Haines-Eitzen, Cornell University

Rabbi Linda Motzkin, Temple Sinai

Brochure: Writing the Sacred

Kieval Institute Commemorates the 50th Anniversary of Nostra Aetate (Fall 2015)

On Sunday, October 25, 2015 at 3:00 p.m., the Kieval Institute joined the Interfaith groups of the Capital Region in commemorating the 50th Anniversary of Nostra Aetate, the Vatican II Declaration on the Relationship of the Church to Non-Christian Religions. The event, which replaced the Fall Colloquium this year, took place at the Hubbard Interfaith Sanctuary at the College of St. Rose.

Thirtieth annual colloquium

November 2, 2014

Imagining Sacred Space

Joan Branham, Providence College

Steven Fine, Yeshiva University

Brochure: Imagining Sacred Space

Twenty-ninth annual colloquium

October 27-28, 2013

The Jewish Jesus

Dr. Zev Garber, Los Angeles Valley College

Dr. Pheme Perkins, Boston College

Brochure: The Jewish Jesus

Twenty-eighth annual colloquium

November 4-5, 2012

Behind the Scenes at Vatican II

Judi Banki, Tannenbaum Center

Philip Cunningham, St. Joseph University

Brochure: Behind the Scenes at Vatican II

Twenty-seventh annual colloquium

October 16-17, 2011

They Will Teach You: A Conversation about the Book of Job

Robert Alter

Michael B. Dick

Bishop Howard J. Hubbard

Brochure: They Will Teach You

Twenty-fifth annual colloquium

December 6-7, 2009

Reassessing Josephus

Tal Ilan, Free University of Berlin

Steve Mason, York University

Brochure: Reassessing Josephus

Twenty-fourth annual colloquium

November 2-3, 2008

The Lure of the Apocryphal

Martha Himmelfarb, Princeton University

John J. Collins, Yale University

Brochure: The Lure of the Apocryphal

Twenty-third annual colloquium

October 28-29, 2007

Dabru Emet and A Sacred Obligation.  Can We Talk Seriously to Each Other About God?

Ruth Langer, Boston College

Elena Procario-Foley, Iona College

Brochure: Dabru Emet and A Sacred Obligation

Twenty-second annual colloquium

October 29-30, 2006

What We Learn When We Teach

Sarah Tanzer, McCormick Theological Seminary

Ted Hiebert, McCormick Theological Seminary

Brochure: What We Learn When We Teach

Twenty-first annual colloquium

October 30-31, 2005

What Jewish Studies can Teach Catholic Studies

Robert Goldenburg, Stony Brook University

W. T. Dickens, Siena College

Brochure: What Jewish Studies can Teach Catholic Studies

Twentieth annual colloquium

October 24, 2004

(held in conjunction with the annual meeting of the Council of Centers of Jewish-Christian Relations)

I, Thou, and ? (Nostra Aetate Approaches 40)

William McConville, OFM, Raleigh, NC

Paul Mendes-Flohr, The University of Chicago

Brochure: I, Thou, and ?

Past Spring Colloquia