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There are many ways to make a gift.  Choose the way that works best for you!


Using one of our secure giving forms

Mail us a Check

Make your check out to: Siena College
Please indicate where your gift should be designated to
Mail your checks to:
Siena College
Development & Alumni Engagement
515 Loudon Road
Loudonville, NY 12211

Call Us

Call us tollfree at 1-888-SIENA-4-U (1-888-743-6248) to give your credit card information to a member of our giving staff.


Gifts of appreciated securities or stock can be one of the most advantageous ways of giving. If your gift of stock has been owned for more than one year, the full fair market value of the stock may be deducted as a charitable contribution, bypassing all capital gains taxes.


The proceeds from this year’s Senior Gift will go towards the President’s Franciscan Mission Fund. Current Franciscan demographics indicate that there are not many younger Franciscan scholars who will be applying in the near future for fully-funded tenure-track faculty positions. There are Friars who can help support the mission of the College in administrative roles and assist in current departments, but these positions may not be fully funded. The Senior Gift support of this fund would overcome this difficulty, assuring future generations the joy of knowing Friars at Siena.

Development and Alumni Engagement Privacy Statement

The Siena College Office of Development and Alumni Engagement (D&AE) is committed to protecting the privacy of its alumni, friends, and donors. The College acknowledges the confidential nature of information it receives in the ordinary course of business involving these groups of individuals. The information that you provide on our web site will be used expressly for the purpose of processing the intended transaction. It will not be used for any other commercial or philanthropic purpose, and the information you provide will not be shared or sold to any other individual or organization. This privacy policy governs all online transactions with the College's Development and Alumni Engagement Office. This office also uses third-party sites for some of its services. Most of these sites are governed by their own privacy policies. Those without their own policy have an agreement with the College to honor privacy standards that are covered by this policy.

Development & Alumni Engagement

515 Loudon Road, St. Francis House