Warning: Undefined variable $page_cta in /var/www/vhosts/dev.fastspot.com/httpdocs/clients/siena/templates/basic/content.php on line 10
How to use it
WYSIWYG is an acronym, short for "What you see is what you get". It indicates that this is a visual designer for the web, allowing the content creator to get a sense of what the content will look like upon publishing, and visually see the structure and layout of the content. WYSIWYGs are the core of content entry on most web applications—think of it like the editor you use in gmail to compose an email.
The WYSIWYG will hold the majority of the content in the site. WYSIWYGs are highly flexible components that can take wide ranges of styled text, as well as certain block like elements, like quotes, images, or tables.
Each page comes with a built in WYSIWYG which is entered in as "Content" before the Callout fields. So why would we have a separate WYSIWYG component that can be entered into these callouts?
These WYSIWYGs allow you to build up more varied expositional content, by interspersing standard text and image content with other components. When using these content style WYSIWYGs, use the the built in page element first, and be sure to check the layout before publishing to ensure that the components flow together as seamlessly as possible.