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Below is a listing of some current and past projects prior to 2106 that have received external funding support. More recent grant awards can be found from the Office of Grants and Sponsored Research. In addition to faculty obtaining external grant support, these research projects receive training and support, including conference travel, from CURCA, the HPCCthe SAInT Center, and the Breyo Observatory.

Joint Analysis of DESI Precursor Imaging Surveys

Principal Investigator: John Moustakas.Organization: LBNL/DOE. Award Date:2016; Funding Amount: $15,770

CC*IIE Networking Infrastructure: Building a high performance network to support advanced instrumentation, computation-intensive analysis and data-intensive science research

Principal Investigator: Mark Berman, Co-Principal Investigator: George L. Barnes, John Moustakas, Mary Parlett-Sweeney, and Angelo Santabarbara. Funding Amount: $394,715

Analysis and Validation of the DECam Legacy Survey Imaging and Photometry

Principal Investigator:John Moustakas; Organization: DOE Award Date:2015; Award Amount:$10,834;

Green Infrastructure Assessment and Planning in the Tivoli Lake Preserve and Patroon Creek Watershed, Albany, NY

Principal Investigator: Meierdiercks, K.L and Lawrence, K.; Organization:New York State's Department of Environmental Conservation's (NYSDEC) Hudson River Estuary Program (HREP; Award Date:2015; Award Amount:$25,277

CMS Education and Outreach Minigrant: "Summer workshop for high-school teachers 'Physics at the Frontier'. Building cloud chambers and learning about particle physics"

Award: a subset of the NSF Quarknet project (NSF #1219444) and administered through Notre Dame. Award Date: 2015.

The Community Foundation for the Greater Capital Region, The Bender Science Fund: Developing a Thermodynamic Ruler for Predicting Protein Unfolding.

Principal Investigator: Jesse W. Karr; Award Date: September 2015; Award Amount: $2,000.00.

SPARCS -- Siena Plan for Attracting and Retaining Computer Scientists

Award Number: 1432198; Principal Investigator: Meg Fryling; Co-Principal Investigators: MaryAnne Egan, Robin Flatland, Sharon Small, Scott Vandenberg; Organization: Siena College; NSF IUSE program; Award Date: September 2014; Award Amount: $687,873

NSF RUI: Searches for New Physics with the CMS Detector at the LHC

Award Number:1307562; Principal Investigator:Matthew Bellis; Co-Principal Investigator:; Organization:Siena College;NSF Organization:PHY Award Date:06/01/2013; Award Amount:$204,000.00;

Assessment of the Effectiveness of Green Infrastructure at Improving Water Quality and Reducing Flooding at the Watershed-Scale

Principal Investigator: Meierdiercks, K.L; Organization:New York State Water Resources Institute; Award Date:2014; Award Amount:$14,896

NSF- S-STEM Scholarships for Tech Valley Scholars in Computational, Mathematical, and Physical Sciences

Award Number:NSF#1356379; Principal Investigator:L. R. Medsker; Co-Principal Investigator:J. P. Bannon, M. W. McColgan, S. Small, L. J. Tucker, J. L. O'Donnell; Award Date:2014; Award Amount: $618,689;

Identification of Areas of Concern, Potential Sources of Pollution, and Opportunities for Restoration through Water Quality and Quantity Monitoring in the Kromma Kill Watershed

Principal Investigator:Katherine Meierdiercks; Co-Principal Investigator:Jean Mangun, Mary Beth Kolozsvary, Kevin Rhoads, Andrew Gerrard; Organization:Siena College;Organization:New England Interstate Water Pollution Control Commission Award Date:July 2013; Award Amount:$20,275;

Research Corporation for Science Advancement Multiple Investigator Cottrell College Science Award: Cholesteric Liquid Crystals and Their Efficacy as VOC Sensors

Co-Principal Investigators: J. L. O'Donnell and L. J. Tucker. Award date 2013; Award amount $75000.

RUI: Characterizing the Mechanisms Mediating C. Elegans Male Tail Morphogenesis

Award Number:1255877; Principal Investigator:D. Adam Mason; Co-Principal Investigator:; Organization:Siena College;NSF Organization:IOS Award Date:01/01/2013; Award Amount:$362,201.00;

American Society of Pharmacognosy Research Starter Grant: Elicitation of Antibiotics from Fungi using Biorational Culturing

Principal Investigator: Stephen Deyrup Organization: Siena College Award Date: 2013 Award Amount: $5,000

Collaborative Research: Synoptic Geospace Systems Analysis Utilizing Instrumentation from South Pole and McMurdo Stations

Award Number:1248062; Principal Investigator:Allan Weatherwax; Co-Principal Investigator:; Organization:Siena College;NSF Organization:PLR Award Date:10/01/2013; Award Amount:$185,362.00;

Watershed-Scale Evaluation of Stormwater Management Practices Through Geospatial, Field, and Modeling Analyses

Principal Investigator: Meierdiercks, K.L; Organization:New York State Water Resources Institute; Award Date:2013; Award Amount:$9,975

RUI: Neutrino Physics at Daya Bay

Award Number:1206032; Principal Investigator:John Cummings; Organization:Siena College;NSF Organization:PHY Award Date:09/01/2012; Award Amount:$163,744.00;

MRI: Development of a Synchronous Direct Digital Receiver System for Geospace Imaging Studies

Award Number:1229541; Principal Investigator:Allan Weatherwax; Co-Principal Investigator:; Organization:Siena College;NSF Organization:AGS Award Date:09/01/2012; Award Amount:$464,807.00;

Electrostatic Driven Self-Assembly of Functional Nanostructures

Award Number:0638587; Principal Investigator: M.Olvera de la Cruz Co-Principal Investigator: M. Bedzyk, Graziano Vernizzi; Organization: DOE, Northwestern University, Siena College Award Date: 09/01/2011 Award Amount: $615,000;

Noyce Mathematics and Science Teaching Scholarship Program at Siena College

Award Number:1136322; Principal Investigator:James Matthews; Co-Principal Investigator:Larry Medsker, Lucas Tucker, Michele McColgan, Mark Jury; Organization:Siena College;NSF Organization:DUE Award Date:09/01/2011; Award Amount:$1,197,020.00;

CAREER: Gas Stripping in Low-Redshift Groups & Clusters

Award Number:0847430; Principal Investigator:Rose Finn; Co-Principal Investigator:; Organization:Siena College;NSF Organization:AST Award Date:08/15/2009; Award Amount:$471,460.00;

RUI: G Protein-Coupled Receptor Kinase 2 (GRK2): Mechanism of Activation

Award Number:0744739; Principal Investigator:Rachel Sterne-Marr; Co-Principal Investigator:; Organization:Siena College;NSF Organization:MCB Award Date:06/15/2008; Award Amount:$600,000.00;

Educating Scientists for Tech Valley: A Cohort Scholars Program

Award Number:0728452; Principal Investigator:Larry Medsker; Co-Principal Investigator:Rose Finn, Karen Quaal, Rachel Sterne-Marr, Allan Weatherwax, Lucas Tucker, Larry Medsker; Organization:Siena College;NSF Organization:DUE Award Date:05/01/2008; Award Amount:$598,852.00;

Studies of the Polar Ionosphere and Magnetosphere from Measurements in Antarctica

Award Number:0638587; Principal Investigator:Allan Weatherwax; Co-Principal Investigator:Theodore Rosenberg, Louis Lanzerotti, Marc Lessard, Andrew Gerrard; Organization:Siena College;NSF Organization:PLR Award Date:11/15/2007; Award Amount:$794,822.00;