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Siena College teaching and research laboratories conduct a broad range of biological experimentation. All projects involving recombinant or synthetic nucleic acid molecules must comply with the NIH Guidelines for Research Involving Recombinant or Synthetic Nucleic Acid Molecules (NIH Guidelines).

The NIH Guidelines require the College to establish an Institutional Biosafety Committee (IBC) whose responsibilities need not be restricted to research explicitly covered by the guidelines. The College’s IBC has oversight to review and approve protocols for all research involving recombinant or synthetic nucleic acid molecules (including infectious agents, transgenic animals, transgenic plants and human gene transfer). Principal Investigators are directly notified of the IBC review and approval results.

The IBC reports directly to the School of Science and Office of Grants and Sponsored Research. IBC meetings are scheduled at least twice per academic year.

IBC Mission Statement

 The Institutional Biosafety Committee (IBC) provides local review and oversight for research involving recombinant DNA, synthetic nucleic acid molecules which may include potentially infectious or hazardous biological materials. The NIH Guidelines require the IBC to ensure that recombinant DNA research conducted at or sponsored by the College is in compliance with the NIH Guidelines. This requirement is primarily met through the IBC’s review and approval of all research subject to the NIH Guidelines. Members of the IBC are responsible for providing the collective experience and expertise in research involving these materials and the capability to assess the safety of research protocols and to identify any potential risk to workers, other persons, or the environment.


Members of the committee are selected for their area of expertise, from the areas of the college that generate the majority of protocol applications. Additional members are drawn from the surrounding community to provide an unbiased "outside" perspective.

Anna McLoon, Chair, voting contact, faculty member
Kenneth Helm, plant expert, faculty member
Erin Kolonko, faculty member
ChangHwan Lee, local non-affiliate member, animal containment expert
Loretta Memmo, General Biology laboratory manager, Biological Safety Officer
Adam Mason, animal containment expert, voting contact, faculty member
Lisa Mingle, local non-affiliate member


All work using recombinant DNA and/or including potentially infectious or hazardous biological materials should be registered with the committee

Annual updates for approved, non-exempt projects should be submitted to the committee

Useful information


We wish to thank IBC members at Colgate University and Bryn Mawr University for assistance and allowing us to use and adapt their forms and registration workflows


Dr. Anna McLoon

Assistant Professor of Biology

MSC124, Siena College 515 Loudon Rd Loudonville, NY 12211