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Green Chemistry Summer Institute 2016
June 27th-June 29th
Attendance at the workshop is open to all High School Chemistry Teachers.
The Green Chemistry Summer Institute is open to all high school chemistry teachers working in the Greater Capital Region of New York State. This three day workshop is free to participating teachers. The Institute promotes the adoption of Green Chemistry practices in secondary education science courses by providing teachers greater understanding of Green Chemistry principles and hands-on experience with laboratory exercises. The workshop is a partnership with the NYS Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) and Siena College. DEC has partnered with the NYS Education Department in advancing the goals of its Green Chemistry in New York State Schools. The workshop will focus on incorporating Green Chemistry principles into the New York State Chemistry Core Curriculum. Participants will partner with Institute instructors to develop or modify a minimum of two chemistry experiments for use in their classroom, receive hands-on-experience with at least ten Green Chemistry experiments, and receive instruction in the Twelve Principles of Green Chemistry and how they apply to secondary education classrooms. Upon returning to their high school, teachers are committed to implement in their classrooms at least the two green chemistry experiments that they developed at the Institute. A Green Chemistry Institute facilitator will be observing the teacher’s green chemistry experiment twice at their home school. In addition, teachers will be invited to Siena College to meet with other Institute participants twice during the 2015-2016 academic year.