The School of Science at Siena provides a current foundation in the elements of scientific method, theory, applicability and laboratory practice to our students to ensure they acquire an in-depth appreciation of the scientific endeavor.
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The Siena family of students, faculty, staff, and alumni share a passion for this College that is unparalleled. Our focus is providing the best possible undergraduate experience in the sciences. No matter what your interest, the School of Science has something to offer from Biology and Chemistry to Computer Science and Physics to Nursing and Health Profession programs of study.
Faculty are committed to teaching in the classroom and beyond. Our students drive innovative research in a variety of areas such as artificial intelligence, astronomy, biomechanics, chemical synthesis, data science, genetics, neuroscience, robotics, and science education. Many of these research projects are funded by national agencies, including the National Science Foundation and NASA, or internally by the Center for Undergraduate Research and Creative Activities (CURCA). CURCA fosters a campus-wide culture in which undergraduates are engaged in investigations conducted in collaboration with a faculty mentor that makes an original intellectual or creative contribution to a discipline or the community. The center’s resources facilitate and enhance the research experience for all undergraduates, including those funded by external grants.
The Science Internship Program provides additional career development andcharacter growth opportunities and the ability to earn college credit while gaining real-world job experience, forming networking connections, and opening doors to future opportunities. Siena’s unique location in Loudonville, NY connects our students with valuable internships locally as we are a part of the Northeast's "Tech Valley" and adjacent to the state capital of Albany. Our School of Science students are also competitive nationally and internationally for internships with companies of all shapes and sizes, ranging from NYC to London and beyond.
The School of Science is also home to exceptional facilities for teaching and research housing numerous computer and research laboratories. This includes the multi-million dollar Stewart's Advanced Instrumentation and Technology SAInT center and the Breyo Observatory, home of the capital region’s largest telescope. Check out the opportunities available to School of Science majors and discover what pursuing Science at Siena has to offer!
The School of Science gratefully acknowledges support from the following agencies:
During the academic year, approximately 300 independent undergraduate research projects are carried out for college credit. Over the summer, approximately 80 students are supported to perform undergraduate research with faculty mentors, who push students to go beyond their textbooks and actively participate in the scientific endeavor.