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To this end, there are a number of opportunities for out-of-classroom participation, including:

21st Century Leaders Honor Society
Beta Gamma Sigma (Business Honor Society)
Beta Alpha Psi
Delta Sigma Pi (Business Fraternity)
Financial Management Association International (FMAI)
Management Student Advisory Team
Siena College Marketing Association
Volunteer Income Tax Assistance Program (VITA)

There are additional opportunities outside of the School of Business for you to apply what you are learning in the classroom.  Some of those opportunities include:

Center for Academic Community Engagement (ACE): work with local non-profit organizations

Center for Global Financial Studies:

Center for International Programs (study abroad opportunities)

Center for Undergraduate Research and Creative Activity: work on a research project with a faculty mentor

Stack Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship: create a business, from idea development through commercialization

Each of these organizations involves students with leadership training, bringing business leaders to campus, and volunteer activities in the community.

Beta Gamma SigmaBeta Gamma Sigma


Membership in Beta Gamma Sigma (BGS) is the highest recognition a business student anywhere in the world can receive in an undergraduate or master’s program at a school accredited by AACSB International. The Mission of Beta Gamma Sigma is to encourage and honor academic achievement in the study of business, to foster personal and professional excellence, to advance the values of the Society, and to serve its lifelong members.

BGS recognizes a student’s conviction towards high principles and outstanding achievement. Students qualified for membership rank in the top 10% of their class. Once inducted, a lifetime member joins a network of highly renowned business leaders dedicated to high ethical principles and business success.

The BGS chapter at Siena holds a formal induction ceremony every Spring for new members. Friends and family accompany the new members as they receive their graduation stoles. The chapter annually awards a $1,000 academic scholarship to one student member who has exhibited outstanding performance. To recognize outstanding achievement at the faculty level, student members annually select a Beta Gamma Sigma Professor of the Year.

For more information on membership benefits and activities, please visit www.betagammasigma.org or contact the following officers:

Delta Sigma Pi

The Purpose of Delta Sigma Pi

Delta Sigma Pi is a professional fraternity organized to foster the study of business in universities; to encourage scholarship,social activity and the association of students for their mutual advancement by research and practice; to promote a closer affiliation between the commercial world and students of commerce, and to further a higher standard of commercial ethics and culture and the civic and commercial welfare of the community.
Delta Sigma Pi is America’s foremost professional business fraternity for men and women pursuing careers in business. It was founded in 1907 at New York University School of Accounts, Commerce and Finance by Alexander Frank Makay, Alfred Moysello, Henry Albert Tienken and Harold Valentine Jacobs. Today, Delta Sigma Pi has over 300 collegiate and alumni chapters, with over 250,000 brothers worldwide.
Progressing from student, to young professional, to seasoned business performer, members of Delta Sigma Pi grow far beyond the classroom through real-life managerial and leadership experience. Sharing each other’s goals, reinforcing common values, and the pursuit of professional excellence, Delta Sigma Pi fosters the growth of the unparalleled bond of friendship – “College may only last 4 years… But brotherhood lasts for a lifetime!”
The Theta Upsilon Chapter at Siena College consists of over 40 exceptionally diverse and talented School of Business individuals who are recognized as elite leaders in professional development, as well as throughout our community. Each semester, our chapter strives to recruit well-rounded individuals who demonstrate outstanding dedication and work ethic, leadership, professionalism, and the potential for success.
If you are interested in learning more about Delta Sigma Pi, please visit the National Fraternity website at www.dspnet.org