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Siena College School of Business
Public Performance Disclosure

Year of Enrollment Undergraduate Enrollment Graduate Enrollment Freshman Cohort Retention Rate: Freshman to Sophomore Retention Rate: Freshman to Junior Retention Rate: Freshman to Senior 4 Year Graduation Rate 5 Year Graduation Rate (Cumulative) 6 Year Graduation Rate (Cumulative)
Fall 2012 1172 54 229 82.5 77.3 76.9 68.1 72.5 74.2
Fall 2013 1167 55 275 88.7 85.1 82.5 77.8 81.1 82.5
Fall 2014 1181 46 241 87.1 81.3 78.0 75.1 76.8 77.2
Fall 2015 1205 57 260 84.2 79.2 76.9 72.3 75.0 75.8
Fall 2016 1214 61 241 89.6 83.4 75.9 77.6 79.3  
Fall 2017 1161 62 244 89.3 83.6 76.6 73.4    
Fall 2018 1090 55 219 87.7 81.3 69.9*      
Fall 2019 1009 105 249 92.0 77.9        
Fall 2020 961 127 242 82.6          
Fall 2021 973 138 276            

*Fall 2018 Retention Rate: Freshman To Senior - an additional 6.4% graduated for a total of 76.3% who were retained to year four or graduated after 3 years.

This tables tracks students who start in the School of Business and are retained at / graduate from Siena College
Data Source: Census (Frozen) Student Data for the Fall Terms


    2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
Number of Faculty 86 86 92 91 84 88 81 77.5 81
Faculty/Student Advising Ratio 23.8 25.2 28.5 29.9 26.9 20.7 24.7 21.8 22.4

*Include faculty on sabbatical

Data Source: School of Business Department Profiles