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The room consists of five pods with each pod containing 6 PC’s. This design feature enables both efficient classroom setting learning and group work outside of the classroom environment. Business faculty members teaching in the Marketing Research Lab have access to multimedia facilities as well as the white board. When students taking a class in the Lab are asked to apply what they have just learned, they are seated in an environment conducive to application work as well as team work.


The software in the lab runs the gamut from statistical analysis packages to geographic information system software. The students also have access to printers capable of supporting the creation of sophisticated table, reports, and brochures.


When classes are not being held in the Lab, students can be found working on homework and project assignments, either alone or in groups.


In the near future, the School of Business would like to partner with the Siena Research Institute to offer businesses marketing research capabilities using the Siena call center, the students’ abilities to analyze marketing research data, and the students’ ability to present marketing research findings to the businesses.