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beginning academic calendar year  2021-2022 and forward

Pre-Business Foundation and Skills /Pre-Core  (Passing grade D-)
BAAS 130* Business Mathematics    3 credits
BUDV 150 Introduction to Business     3 credits
CSIS 011 Problem Solving with Spreadsheets    1 credit
ECON 101 Principles of Economics, Micro   3 credits
ECON 102 Principles of Economics, Macro   3 credits
Core (Passing grade C-)
ACCT 200 Financial Accounting   3 credits
ACCT 205 Managerial Accounting   3 credits
BAAS 200 Business Statistics I   3 credits
BAAS 300 Operations Management    3 credits
BAAS 330 Business Analytics and Information Systems    3 credits
BLAW 200 Legal Environment of Business   3 credits
BUDV 450 Organizational Strategy    3 credits
FINC 201 Managerial Finance I    3 credits
MGMT 211 Management   3 credits
MRKT 212 Marketing    3 credits
*Prior to registration students’ math skills are evaluated via placement exam.  Students with demonstrated competency in math skills would be placed in BAAS 130; others would enroll in BAAS 105 Business Applications, which would focus on enhancing students’ math skills for BAAS 130.
    Total credits 43


academic calendar year 2020-2021 and prior

CSIS 010 Introduction to Computer Applications OR 3 credits
CSIS 011 Problem Solving with Spreadsheets OR 1 credit
CSIS SSX Excel Spreadsheet Exam   0 credits
ECON 101 Principles of Economics, Micro   3 credits
ECON 102 Principles of Economics, Macro    3 credits
QBUS 100 Mathematics for Decision Making I   3 credits
QBUS 110 Mathematics for Decision Making II  OR 3 credits
MATH 110 Calculus I    4 credits
Business Core ( 31.000 credits AND 10 courses )
ACCT 200 Financial Accounting   3 credits
ACCT 205 Managerial Accounting   3 credits
BLAW 200 Legal Environment of Business   3 credits
BUDV 450 Organizational Strategy   3 credits
CSIS 114 Management Information Systems   3 credits
FINC 301 Managerial Finance I   3 credits
MGMT 211 Management Principles   3 credits
MGMT 300 Operations Management    3 credits
MRKT 212 Marketing   3 credits
QBUS 200 Business Statistics I    4 credits