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To ensure you are prepared for success in your physical science and mathematics courses at Siena, the School of Science requires incoming freshmen and transfer students in the School of Science who are not majoring in Nursing or Health Studies to take the ALEKS PPL mathematics placement accessible in Canvas via this link. The results of this assessment will be used to place you in the right mathematics course. You may take the assessment at any time before June 15, but if you miss this deadline you will automatically be placed into a section of Precalculus
The placement exam will take roughly 90 minutes. You cannot stop the exam so please be aware of this when you start. You will want some paper, a writing utensil, and a calculator to help you.
If you have any questions please contact:
- For technology questions: helpdesk@siena.edu or 518-782-6000
- For general advising questions: studentsuccess@siena.edu or 518-783-2341
- For specific test issues: Mathematics Department Head Jon Bannon
Here are some of the mathematical topics you will be tested on:
- Whole numbers, fractions and decimals
- Percents, proportions and geometry
- Signed numbers, linear equations and inequalities
- Lines and systems of linear equations
- Relations and functions
- Integer exponents and factoring
- Quadratic and polynomial functions
- Rational expressions and functions
- Radicals and rational exponents
- Exponentials and logarithms
- Trigonometry
Clicking the link below will bring you to Canvas, the college's Learning Management System. You will log in to Canvas using your @siena.edu account and password.
SCHOOL OF business
All School of Business students must take the Math Assessment Survey.
We are excited that you have chosen the School of Business for your educational experience. At Siena we believe in our mission and so we empower our students with the tools needed to succeed, to serve and to lead in their careers, communities and lives. In this spirit and to ensure that students will have the required quantitative knowledge for business careers, all SoB curricula include at least three quantitative courses. This assessment provides an opportunity for you to get ahead in your Business program!
The placement exam will take roughly 60 minutes and is all multiple choice. You cannot stop the exam so please be aware of this when you start. You will want some paper, a writing utensil, and a calculator to help you. Give yourself one hour of time to do it.
Please do not worry about the grade on the test. We need to assess your ability so that we can best support your success. It is very important that you complete this placement exam yourself. We cannot evaluate your needs accurately if you ask for assistance from someone else or use any additional resources to complete this exam. We offer a lot of help in the mathematics courses as well as through both individual and group tutoring and we want to ensure that each student is placed as accurately as possible to receive this assistance.
We understand that some of the necessary skills and concepts might be a bit rusty. An organized review before taking the placement test will not only help us determine the best placement for you, but it will help you be ready to learn the new concepts when you do enroll in the appropriate QBUS course.
If you have any questions please contact:
- For technology questions: helpdesk@siena.edu or 518-782-6000
- For general advising questions: studentsuccess@siena.edu or 518-783-2341
For specific test issues: Joe McCollum
Here are some of the mathematical topics you will be tested on:
- Order of Operations
- Factoring and Foiling Monomials and Polynomials
- Solving Linear Equations with Decimals and Fractions
- Exponent Rules and Simplifying
- Radicals
- Number Word Problems
- Slopes and Equation and Line
Clicking the link below will bring you to Canvas, the college's Learning Management System. You will log in to Canvas using your @siena.edu account and password.