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New Parking permitting system coming soon!

We are currently implementing a new parking permit system. It should be in place by August 21st. 

We will update our parking and traffic regulations page with the information on how to obtain your permit as soon as it is available

The Department leverages the latest technology to proactively reduce risk, provide the highest level of safety and service, maintain the trust of our community and be a recognized leader in Public Safety among peer institutions in Catholic higher education.

Report a Crime

Criminal actions and other emergencies may be reported by dialing Public Safety at 911, by using any of the emergency call boxes located in strategic areas around campus, or by means of  our Anonymous Tips Page. 

Terms to know

Evacuate: Move out of an unsafe location into safety. Walk quickly in an orderly fashion to the nearest safe exit. 

Shelter-in-Place: Seek immediate shelter and remain there during an emergency rather than evacuate the area.  Lock the door and barricade yourself in the room with the furniture or anything you can push against the door. The preferred Shelter-in-Place location would be an interior room or hallway.

Seek Shelter: If outside during an incident, drop to the ground immediately, lying face down as flat as possible. If within 15-20 feet of a safe place or cover, stay close to the ground and run to it.