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24 credit hours over four years
Honors courses
15 credit hours minimum that carry the honors attribute (may also satisfy core or other requirements)
Contract Courses
Students may take 3 to 6 credit hours in their major/minor or certificate program to fulfill honors attribute requirements. The course(s) must be at the 200-level or above. The student should approach the faculty member teaching the course to ask if an honors component can be added. Together the student and faculty member decide the best project/activities to fulfill the honors contract.
9 credit hours
- 3 hours Honors Research Colloquium [HNRS350 -- usually spring of junior year]
- 6 hours Honors Thesis/Project [HNRS400/410 -- typically in the senior year]
Prior to graduation, students must complete 100 hours of service either through a specified course with a service component or through an individual contract devised with the Honors Program director as HNRS300.