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As a physics major, get ready to jump into exciting research programs led by expert faculty in astronomy, physics, engineering, and science education—many of which are funded by the National Science Foundation and NASA. You'll even have travel opportunities to places like  like Puerto Rico, China, Switzerland and Greenland. 

Not only will you gain an understanding of the laws of physics and their relevance to the world we live in, you'll develop marketable skills like an ability to design experiments, how to best analyze and present data, critical thinking and investigational curiosity. 

Programs offered include:

  • B.S. in Physics
  • B.S. in Physics (3/2 engineering)
  • B.S. in Physics (computational physics track)
  • B.S. in Physics (biological chemical sciences track)
  • B.S. in Physics (education certificate)
  • Minor in Physics
  • Minor in Astronomy
  • Minor in Astrophysics

Your Future Success

Siena's physics program prepares students for a broad range of technical careers and its grads have many options. About one third pursue graduate work in physics, engineering, astronomy, and business. Grad schools include: Boston University, Dartmouth College, Duke, MIT, University of Washington and University of Maryland. A few become high school teachers, and the rest find employment in the technical workforce with job titles like: data science engineer, lab supervisor, test engineer, safety manager, production manager and research scientist.

Cooperative Engineering Programs

Students who are interested in engineering but who still want the benefit of a liberal arts education should consider our cooperative engineering programs. Siena offers both 3/2 and 4/1 engineering program options.