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Philosophy provides students with the opportunity to reflect on some of the most fundamental questions of human existence: questions about the nature of knowledge and understanding, the nature of choice and identity, the nature of action and excellence, and the nature of morality and virtue, to name just a few.

As a philosophy major, you will learn to think clearly and critically about these kinds of questions, and explore not only how things are, but also how they could have been and how they ought to be. You will develop the ability to critically evaluate diverse positions and arguments, the ability to construct and defend your own positions on a variety of topics and issues, and the ability to apply those positions and insights to your own life. In short, you will begin to live “the examined life.”

An 18-credit minor is also offered.

Your Future Success

Siena’s philosophy program provides an excellent academic foundation for a variety of paths after graduation. Many of our graduates go on to graduate school in philosophy, law school, and medical school. Other recent graduates have gone on to careers in government, public policy, and non-profit management, among other exciting career paths.