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Example of RN to BS Nursing Program Curriculum Full Time Option

term ONE: FAll term TWO: SPRING
NURS 300: Advanced Concepts of Professional Nursing Practice NURS 305: Research to Promote Evidence Based Nursing Research
English Core Discipline (CDE) NURS 310: Health Assessment and Promotion Across the Life Span
ADTV 110: Statistics for Social Science (CDQ) SCDV 220: Healthcare Informatics
Philosophy Core Discipline (CDP) Religion Core Discipline (CDR)
Elective (if needed) Elective (if needed)


term TWO: FAll term two: spring
NURS 315: Holistic Pharmacology NURS 320: Caring and Advocating for the Older Adult
NURS 410: Population and Public Health Nursing Perspectives NURS 408: Health Policy (CFJ)
MGMT 211: Management Principles (CFD) NURS 415: Transformational Nursing Leadership
Creative Art Core Discipline (CDA) Heritage Core Franciscan (CFH)
  History Core Discipline (CDH)

example of RN to BS nursing program curriculum part time option

**The RN to BS schedule is individualized to meet your needs and timeline. 

Summer Term 1
ADTV 110: Statistics for Social Science (CDQ)


Fall 1 Spring 1
NURS 300: Advanced Concepts of Professional Nursing Practice NURS 305: Research to Promote Evidence Based Nursing Research
English Core Discipline (CDE) NURS 310: Health Assessment and Promotion Across the Life Span


Summer TERM 2  
Creative Art Core Discipline (CDA) History Core Discipline (CDH)


Fall 2 Spring 2
NURS 315: Holistic Pharmacology NURS 320: Caring and Advocating for the Older Adult
SCDV 220: Healthcare Informatics NURS 408: Health Policy (CFJ)


Summer term 3  
Religion Core Discipline (CDR) Philosophy Core Discipline (CDP)


Fall 3 Spring 3
NURS 410: Population and Public Health Nursing Perspectives NRS 415: Transformational Nursing Leadership
MGMT 211: Management Principles (CFD) Heritage Core Franciscan (CFH)
  Elective(s) if needed