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Decision making and planning, innovation and entrepreneurship, teamwork and leadership, communications, human resource development and process/project management. These are the areas of expertise you'll need to succeed in today's marketplace and they are exactly what your experience as a management major will be focused on. You'll learn them from professors who are not only scholars but have extensive real-world experience  as CEOs, management consultants, board members, entrepreneurs and textbook authors. You'll also get plenty of hands-on experiences such as service-learning, simulations and live cases. An 18 credit minor is also offered. 

Siena's management major includes the option to complete 12 credits in elective courses, or select a specialized management track. 

The tracks are designed for students whose career goals are focused in a particular management specialty (entrepreneurship, human resources, leadership, or strategy) or particular management context (international business or project management)

Internship sites include:

  • Albany Times Union
  • AYCO
  • GE
  • Interfaith Partnership for the Homeless
  • KPMG
  • Mazzone Hospitality
  • Nielsen Company
  • Northwestern Mutual Financial Network
  • Price Chopper
  • Special Olympics New York
  • Tri-City Valley Cats

Your Future Success

Management alumni are employed at top companies including AYCO, General Electric, Albany Medical Center, PwC, Morgan Stanley, IBM and New York State. Recent grads have launched careers like director of account management, project manager, operations manager, analyst, manager, director of business development and marketing manager.