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The International Studies minor complements all majors and prepares students to “address the challenges of an ever-changing world and a diverse society”
Siena College Mission Statement
Students will examine how their decisions and those of other U.S. citizens affect and are being affected by decisions beyond our borders.They will also see that most careers whether in business, social policy/action, and the humanities, are pursued within a global context.
This minor is premised on the definition of globalization as the “growth of relations among people across national borders that creates a complex series of connections that tie together what people do, what they experience, and how they live across the globe.” It also incorporates Siena College’s Franciscan heritage by recognizing that St. Francis and his followers developed networks beyond Italy’s borders and that our contemporary connections must be evaluated in terms of both how they affect human society and all of Creation and how they involve our responsibility to others.
Hence, this minor attempts to enable students to discover their connections and responsibilities to the rest of the world through considering these basic
questions in all its designated courses:
- What are the positive and negative ways in which the people of the world are connected in the twenty-first century?
- How do I and the people in my community, region and country have global connections with people in other lands?
- How do individuals, organizations and governments attempt to manage these connections?
- What are the positive and negative implications for the various management methods and rules?
- Who benefits and who loses from these decisions?
- How do these decisions affect the marginalized and the poor?