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In today’s world, how we live — our jobs, our culture, our society — is affected by how we interact both directly and indirectly with others across our borders. This minor integrates your study abroad, foreign language, and extracurricular activities with the study of how globalization affects the marginalized and the poor throughout the world — and examines how you can become an agent of change.

Explore your passion

We want to let you in on a little secret—our minor in international studies is perfect to pair with any major. Whether you're studying accounting, actuarial science, marketing or religious studies, you will find that most careers are pursued within a global context. 

Jenna Kersten '17

Jenna, who graduated with a degree in English with minors in German and international studies, said her passion for social justice was enhanced when she spent a semester in Berlin during her junior year. The refugee crisis was at its peak, as those fleeing Syria, Sudan and other strife-torn nations streamed into Europe seeking safety, shelter and the start of a new life. She volunteered with refugee organizations, which exposed her to the plight of those seeking asylum and led her to think how concerned people can best help them.