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Get ready for small classes, personalized advising, and an innovative, engaging capstone experience. You can customize your curriculum with tracks in American history, non-western history and social studies education. And you'll have the opportunity to apply what your learning to make a difference through service-learning projects ranging from working with local refugee immigrant communities to assisting historical sites with research. Other hallmarks of Siena' history program include a summer scholars program, opportunities to work as a research assistant, as well as travel courses to destinations like Italy, the Netherlands and Russia. An 18-credit minor is also offered.

Internships and employers include:

  • Albany Institute of History and Art
  • Antietam National Battlefield
  • Discovery Communications
  • Irish-American Heritage Museum
  • New York State Assembly
  • New York State Department of Labor
  • New York State Military Museum
  • New York State Office of Parks
  • New York State Senate
  • Saratoga National Historical Park
  • Shaker Heritage Society
  • U.S. Department of Education

Your Future Success

Siena history majors are well-prepared for careers in education, research, communications, business and beyond. Job titles of recent grads include teacher, attorney, researcher, election law analyst, law clerk, career consultant, admissions director, school principal and more.