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As an environmental studies/science major, you'll get a hands-on experience that prepares you for careers in ecological restoration, pollution abatement, sustainability coordination, renewable energy systems, environmental education, policy and law. You can customize your experience by focusing on environmental science or studies. The science track is sharply focused on solving environmental problems with ecological and analytical tools with coursework in mathematics, biology, chemistry and physics. The studies track draws upon the social sciences and humanities as problem-solving tools and pairs well with programs such as political science, international studies, business or community development.

Programs offered:

  • B.A. in Environmental Studies
  • B.S. in Environmental Science, Conservation Science
  • B.S. in Environmental Science, Earth Systems
  • Environmental Studies minor

Your Future Success

There is a wide variety of career paths available for Siena's environmental science majors. Our grads are working in careers like environmental specialist, GIS technician, physical scientist, conservationist, drug product specialist, wildlife specialist, ecologist and more. Many pursue graduate degrees at prestigious schools including Central Michigan University, Oklahoma State University, Yale University, University of Vermont.

Our Bird Buddies

Winter in Upstate New York can be chilly for everyone — including animals. Students in our environmental club set up bird feeders around campus to help the animals in the winter months. These “Bird Buddies” are fulfilling the environmental club's mission.