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Siena's education certificate program gives you the best of both worlds: you'll major in what you plan to teach while building the education knowledge and skills you need to succeed in your career. You'll also get plenty of hands-on experience via field work and student teaching. The capital region is uniquely situated to have students get exposure to urban, suburban and rural school settings. You can count on being prepared to launch your career in public schools, charter schools, private schools and parochial schools across the country, as well internationally. Many of our graduates go on to become school building and district administrators.
Majors that can add on teaching certification include:
- American Studies
- Biology
- Business
- Chemistry
- Computer Science
- English
- French
- History
- Mathematics
- Spanish
- Physics
If you're interested in elementary education, special education, school counseling, school psychology, school social work or school district business leadership, check out Siena's educational studies minor.