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Siena's Creative Arts program is nationally ranked in the Top 30% for Highest Paid Grads.

Choose from tracks in visual arts, music, theatre or broadcast journalism. You can also combine courses like vocal performance, costume and makeup design, or journalism and documentary filmmaking, to create a custom experience that fits your interests. Get hands-on experience in our art studios, digital labs, private rehearsal rooms, scene and wardrobe shops, theatre and television station. An 18 credit minor is also offered. 

Internship sites include

  • Albany Center Gallery
  • Albany Institute of History and Art
  • Albany Symphony Orchestra
  • Capital Repertory Theatre
  • Carriage House Art Center
  • Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception
  • Living Resources Arts Program
  • Nemer Motor Group
  • New York State Museum
  • Park Playhouse
  • Proctors
  • The Albany Barn
  • Times Union Center
  • Mark McCarty Photography
  • WVCR

Your Future Success

Siena's creative arts program prepares you for success in a variety of fields like technology, advertising, education, publishing, business, and much more. Recent grads have job titles like creative strategy director, graphic designer, performer, video editor, art instructor, marketing communications specialist and event coordinator.