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How do the laws of physics and chemistry explain the life cycles of stars? What about other celestial bodies? Blending together the principles of astronomy, physics and chemistry, this major offers a practical — and fascinating — foundation for continued studies in the sciences, or a profession in the STEM field.

Courses include:

  • Introductory Astronomy for Scientists
  • Observational Astronomy
  • Principles of Astrophysics
  • Electromagnetic Theory
  • Quantum Physics 

Reach for the Stars

What can you do with a degree in astrophysics? The possibilities are endless. Students who major in astrophysics can pursue professions like: Aerospace Research Scientist, Astronaut, Astronomer, Astrophysicist, Environmental Analyst, Inorganic Analyst, Laboratory Technician, Occupational Health & Safety Specialist, Physicist, Quality Assurance Assistant, Research & Development Scientist, Science Laboratory Technician, Systems Analyst, Teacher or Professor, Technical Writer, and many more!