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As an applied mathematics major you’ll learn to formulate and analyze mathematical abstractions of real world problems. You will choose one of three tracks to pursue: classical applied math, math modeling and analytics in the natural science, or statistics. Through a selection of elective courses, you'll be able to dive into a specialized curriculum that suits your interests.

Applied Mathematics is much more than just numbers. Your foundational knowledge, coupled with real-world problem solving skills and Siena’s liberal arts foundation will prepare you to emerge as a leader in the field of mathematics, or set you on a path to further your career through advanced study.

Programs offered:

  • B.A. in Applied Mathematics
  • B.S. in Applied Mathematics

Your Future Success

There are a wide variety of career paths available for Siena's applied mathematics majors. Saints studying classical applied math may want to become a Mathematical Physicist, Mechanical Engineer, Electrical Engineer, or a Technical Writer. Modeling and analytics in the natural sciences students may pursue careers as Climatologists, Epidemiologists, Biostatisticians, or Computer systems analysts. Students studying statistics may become Actuaries, Biostatisticians, Financial Market Analysts, or Operations Research Analysts.