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The Facilities Management Department provides maintenance and repair services for the college’s physical facilities.  All requests for routine campus work or repairs can be made by e-mailing the Facilities Management Service Desk at FacilitiesWorkRequests@siena.edu.  For urgent issues, the Service Desk can be reached by phone at 518-783-2371 during normal hours of operation, 7:30 AM – 4:30 PM, Monday through Friday.  For urgent issues outside of normal hours of operation, please contact the Public Safety office at 518-783-2376. 

  1. Once a work request is placed, the requester will receive an e-mail confirmation to review the information and proper issuance of the work order. 
  2. When the work order is completed, a confirmation of its closure and services rendered will be sent.

There are no associated costs for routine maintenance work. 

Standard charges are applied to all vandalisms and to tasks determined to require a set fee per work request.

All charges for core changes and vandalisms shall be passed on to the responsible party.

All residential furniture removals and key requests must be issued through the building Residential Director or Office of Residential Life.