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Special Accommodations Due to a Disability

As per the American Disabilities Act, a student with a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits a major life activity may request accommodations through the College.

  • Medically related accommodations for housing, meals, air conditioning, parking, etc. are coordinated through Siena College's Health Services Office. 
  • The Office of Accessibility coordinates accommodation requests for service animals and emotional support animals.

Accommodations are to enable students with disabilities to equally participate in and benefit from the College's programs, services, and activities, provided that such accommodations would not:

  • Fundamentally alter the nature or operation of the College’s academic programs, services, or activities
  • Cause undue burden to the College
  • Pose a direct threat to the health or safety of others.

Students may contact the Title IX Coordinator/Equal Opportunity Specialist should they wish to discuss or file a complaint about any aspect of Siena’s operations/policies/procedures or about the actions of any student, visitor or employee of the College.  The Title IX Coordinator/EOS also serves as the individual to contact should a student wish to appeal a decision by Health Services, the Counseling Center or the Office of Accessibility related to an accommodation.

To be considered for an accommodation

Students must complete the appropriate accommodation request form and submit it to Siena College Health Services. 


Students with special requests due to a medical condition are strongly encouraged to make the College aware of these needs as early as possible. For housing accommodations, new students should provide all required documentation by June 30th for fall semester and by December 1st for spring semester requests. Returning students should provide all required documentation by February 1st for fall semester requests and by December 1st for spring semester requests. Please be aware that after the posted deadlines, certain types of accommodations may no longer be available for the upcoming semester.


Director of Health Services (518) 783-2554
Director of Accessibility Services (518) 783-4239
Director of the Counseling Center (518) 783 -2342
Title IX Coordinator/Equal Opportunity Specialist (518) 782-6673