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This campus snow operation parking plan is provided for the winter season. Described below is information concerning “long term” parking and “rotational” parking that are key elements of Siena’s campus snow removal plan. Please be alert for additional emails regarding snow conditions and implementation of alternate/rotational parking plans.

Long Term Parking

Any person departing campus for an extended period of time (i.e., a sports trip, a family emergency, Winter Recess, a holiday, vacation or long weekend, etc.) who intends to leave their vehicle on campus must move their vehicle to the "Long Term Parking Area," which is located on the outdoor basketball courts to the rear of the Marcelle Athletic Complex (MAC). Vehicles left in other lots for extended periods of time will be towed when necessary to remove snow, with the person responsible for the vehicle being billed for the tow charges.

The "Long Term Parking Area" is accessed by driving through Parking Lot "V" on the south side of the MAC and continuing to the rear of the building and then driving north, through Lot “X” to the outdoor basketball courts. When parking in the "Long Term Parking Area" vehicles should be backed into parking spaces so that the rear of the vehicle is facing either the building (MAC) or the tennis courts. Facilities Management will monitor the area for available space and send updates as necessary.

Snow Condition Rotational Parking

“Snow Condition” is a condition set by the Facilities Management Assistant Director for Services or the designated representative. When a Snow Condition has been set, Snow Condition Parking Regulations (basically the rotation of vehicles to various assigned parking lots) will be in effect. Campus will be notified of a Snow Condition by email and by signs located in strategic locations around the campus.

Every effort will be made to provide ample advance warning of significant snowfall requiring implementation of a Snow Condition. When possible, a Snow Condition will be set approximately 12 or more hours in advance of the actual onset of snowfall. In some cases when the severity of a snow event exceeds the local weather forecasts, a Snow Condition may be set during or after a snow/ice event.

Setting of a Snow Condition puts into effect special parking regulations essential to maintaining passage and clearing of snow from campus roads, paths, and parking lots. A Snow Condition may last for days after the snowfall.

The specific regulations and requirements for a Snow Condition are divided into three time periods…Day, Evening or Night followed by a number designating the day of the Snow Condition:

Day-- 8 a.m. (0800) to 6 p.m. (1800)
Evening -- 6 p.m. (1800) to 10 p.m. (2200)
Night -- 10 p.m. (2200) to 8 a.m. (0800) the following morning

Recognizing that the campus is most active during the daytime, the focus of snow removal operations will be during the night shift and the parking adjustments included in each Snow Condition is designed to facilitate normal daytime parking as much as possible. Specific instructions detailing how the campus community is to respond to a Snow Condition will be provided for each day of the operation via email.

Please see the Campus Map or look for signage regarding Snow Condition parking.

Please assist Facilities Management with snow removal by following these procedures. If you have questions, please contact Facilities Management Office between 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m., Monday through Friday at 518-783-2370.